today was science symposium at ACSI.
ACSI shall be my new SCHOOL THINGY. it has not replaced sji yet.
anw. started off with some boring speech thingy. i didn't really get it.
after all the prizes were gone, we started our tour!
it was probably the best part of the entire event.
our poor ushers... they were great people. (: i'm glad they could tahan us and walk walk and walk.
we had to deal with the removal of leaf tissues, all the way to making of bread.
the station was called "THE SCIENCE OF BREAD MAKING". truly, it was enjoyable.
i took my blood pressure and my heart beat. my heart beat was 74 per minute, and i thought i was going to die, so i panicked.. and it shot up to 90+.
all mr low could do was laugh.
my reaction timing is slow. 0.237 seconds. well. i can always improve... hmm.
i saw the disection of frogs. the making of lava. the making of mighty beans.
again, mr low was so happy like a kid that his 'mighty bean' could roll down the slope nicely.
bread making was FUN. (: we tried rolling and kneading the dough, but it would get any longer. so mr low and another student had a competition on whose was longer. like WHATEVER mann. he's always this random. and he came up with a 'SPECIAL CREATION'. it's so SMILEY.
look and you will understand.

disection of frog was DISGUSTING.
the heart was still beating even though it was BRAIN DEAD. eeew.
they inserted a ball of chlorofoam into its mouth if i'm not wrong. they leave it in there to prevent it from RESURRECTING.

there was another section on chemicals and their colour properties.
we could use phenepthalene (or some indicator) and then spray sodium hydroxide on it to reveal the secret message.
it turns a really cool pink.
and around that area was another guy who started being funny. he shook the mixture of something, methyl blue and sodium hydroxide..
since methyl blue is a chemical that takes part in oxidation, it would change colour when oxygen molecules are mixed with it.
tammy, shandy and kym were totally enjoyable company. (: I LOVE THEM.
and we all carried tote bags today. totally bimbo. BIMBOs ROCK.
i wish i could turn back time and start all over again.
anw. i didn't go down for the game at sji. i was too lazy.
they won. congrats!
stations of the cross. i'm so tired of it.
every year it's the same old thing. sometimes i really wonder what's the rationale in having stations of the cross...
father's crazy again. i hate it.
tmrw's going to be a busy day.
physics, house meeting, swimming, buying of foodstuffs and church.
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