okay. mr low was late for devotion today. so mrs koh started with some email she received. she started off...
"I'm happy for the husband who sleeps beside me snoring at night, because it means that he's at home by my side and not with anyone else."
for a moment i thought she was talking about mr koh and herself.
okay. so here came mr low. and he did his devotion.
found out about the biological aspect of blood donating. O is the universal donor and AB is the universal receiver.
we had math. then recess. weekee and i were rushing our bio reflections during recess and found out today that we needn't hand it up today. THANKS.
chem was... okay.
mr tay was talking about covalent bonding. yeah. then he said there were two fluroine atoms. then he called one miss fluorine and the other mr fluorine. haha. yepps.
"will you spend your entire with me??" haha. mr fluorine is so SWEET.
bio was FUN in a sense. haha. i said that the iodine will turn BLACK. and mr low asked me.. "blue black and black blue, got difference or not?? (glances around) huh?? nathalie??"
I SHRUGED as usual.
physics was erm. okay. (: i LOVE PHYSICS. so i've got no comments on the lesson.
anw. mr chua was acting like a clown today. (: acting as a 3D medium for light to refract on. haha.
i so look forward to english from now on. =D
i just remembered that i have to do my CME project. -gasps.
I NOT STUPID TOO today! haha. i cried. it was so touching. it kinda reminded me of my own family at one point in time..
jack neo's movies always seem to hit my heart at the right spot. (:
causes me much tears.
yepps. thanks naz for that treat. although it was super weird. haha.
YIKES. sports day's coming up.
i WANNA DO WELL in 400m!

joavan! i missed you. (:
there you go. a PICTURE of both of us on MY BLOG.
haha. i saw you again today. exact same spot. GOD'S PLAN.
i'm over you.
lent is coming.
no flirting. X)
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