started off the day with mass.
went to sentosa after that.
jeanne, bradley, joan, trees, clement, jason, errol, matthew! haha. (:
i love them all! (:
morning. waited at harbourfront for so long.
afternoon. went there and got in the water. swam a little bit.
and we went cycling. (: i still like to be jason's buddy. so sosos fun.
in the end paired with errol, but poor him cuz he couldn't take my weight for the tandem bicycle.
tanned after that. wasn't dark enough.. haha. clement was a SLEEPY HEAD.
shiok mann.

jeanne and i! water babes.

jeanne and i. again? i so love her.

trees and i! i love her MORE.

GROUP photo.
thanks for all those who wished me happy birthday. you seriously made my day.
haha. geokying even dedicated one entire post for me. so sweet of her.
got some really cool birthday greetings. (:
had christmas treat! was fun fun fun!
had to sell tix with joavan in the morning. (: took more pictures with him.
went to the altarboys stall to get SPONGED.
mann was it F-U-N. haha (:
sylvester is nice. (: he asked me the stupidest question ever.
"do you fancy any of my altarservers?"
oh well. i wouldn't really know.
i'm looking forward to the next CHRISTMAS TREAT.
it's the world. and i.
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