first day:
wasn't really tat fun. had loads of sharing.
although i loved gracie's house.
second day:
i loved recall night. joavan and i were practically the only ones who cried their heart out.
mann. it was good.
"book about me" was really enriching.
sharings were better in a sense.
silent dinner was nice.
third day:
more sharings.
we had a bible skit and it was HILARIOUS. HAHAHA!
people were cross-dressing..
the camp was coming to an end.
we had lunch, tea break then more songs. and the camp ended.
i liked the talks. it was the only ones i could pay attention to.
a brief outline of what i did during the camp. no one can ever experience what i have gone through. it was simply God's blessing that i attended this camp.
CONFIRMATION was yesterday.
be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.
i am now God's soldier. whoa. such a huge responsibility.
i hope that i can carry out my duties in a new school environment next year. protestants will fill the school.
the archbishop is so cool. he actually commented on my reading yesterday. ((:
i love i love i love yesterday so much. i wish it never ended.

me and rachel.

my new hair.
i'm going to celebrate my birthday this year. promise.
i feel young not celebrating it every year. haha. with my family i meant.
ANTIOCH!! whee.
out with the old. and in with the new.
i love God.
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