Guess school's the only way you can run away from your problems.
Which is true.. I mean, where else do you stay happy and crazy for long??
Amplify meeting.
I learnt I got the gift of HOSPITALITY today.
What a great gift.
Today's Reflection
Sleeping with the enemy?
We are a society driven by money dont you think so? Some say we are a nation of money face and money mind. Our national complaint is money not ENOUGH. Singaporeans top the charts when it comes to saving money in the Asia-Pacific. A survey last yrear found that 3 in 5 Singaporeans would save whatever extra money they have. Now, thrift is a avirtue. But perhaps the high savings rate in Singapore is due to an obsessive frear of lack. Money has become such a security blanket and status symbol, that we will hoard every cent so we can sleep easier at night.
The idol of money may offer some temporary comfort and security. But watch out - this god is a ruthless slave master It casts an iron grip on its worshippers. It sows unbridled greed into your life, so that you will continually lust for more. And when you die, you will enter eternity empty-handed, because all your earthly treasures have faded away.
Thre is absolutely nothing wrong in being wealthy. And being poor does not make one any more spiritual. Both rich and poor people can be seduced by this golden calf of mammon. The crux of the matter is your attitude towards money.
Is money your master?
Do you put your hope in money? Do you equate abundant life with being wealthy? Do you sometimes think that life would be better if only you had more money? Do you worry that you will not have enough for your future? Is that why you are not tithing, not giving generously? Are you holding off going on mission trips because of cost? Or are you worried about the potential loss of income because you hae to take no pay leave? TURN TO GOD.
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